Page 26 - BIC_2024
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Sustainable Actions



               It’s through action that we achieve real
               impact.  Our sustainable development initiative,
               «Writing  the Future Together,»  embodies this
               commitment. The plan extends until 2025, and
               we are continuously measuring its goals.

               Want to know more about our plan?
               These are its 5 lines of action:

               1  DRIVE SUSTAINABLE              3  COMMITMENT TO                 5  WORK TOWARDS
                 INNOVATION                        SAFETY AT WORK                   A BETTER LIFE
                 Our journey is guided by the      Our commitment to safety         THROUGH
                 sustainable development of        extends throughout every         EDUCATION
                 new products and processes.       facet of our operations,
                                                   ensuring the well-being of       More than 187 million children
                                                   our team members and the         have benefited from direct
                                                   communities we serve.            actions such as donating
                                                                                    school supplies, organising
               2  TAKE ACTION ON                                                    school workshops, developing
                                                                                    educational tools for teachers,
                 CLIMATE CHANGE                                                     and providing financial
                 Electricity  from 100 %         4  PROACTIVELY
                 renewable sources, to
                 reduce greenhouse gas             ENGAGE SUPPLIERS
                 emissions, transforming our       We proactively seek
                 use of plastics, adhering to      out partnerships and
                 the United Nations Global         collaborations with suppliers
                 Compact, renewing our             who align with our core
                 climate commitment, and           principles and values. Our
                 aligning with the TCFD, the       goal is to work hand in hand
                 working group created at the      with providers, collectively
                 request of G20 leaders.           advancing towards a more
                                                   responsible and impactful

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