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                                  RESPONSIBILITY                                       We define sustainability in

                                                                                      terms of our company's global
                                  FOR PEOPLE AND                                    corporate social  responsibility.
                                                                                   This encompasses the social,
                                  THE ENVIRON-                                     economic and ecological aspects

                                  MENT                                        of our actions.

                              Member of amfori, the world's   FARE has been ÖKOPROFIT-certified for
                              leading  business association for open   sustainable, environmentally friendly work
                                 and  sustainable trade.            processes since 2021.

                 ECOLOGICAL                         ECONOMIC                            SOCIAL
           Examples of environmentally friendly work   Every year, we expand our range of   FARE is a member of the amfori Business
           processes at FARE: carbon neutral parcel   products with new, innovative products.   Social Compliance Initiative. All of our
           shipping; bundling of production orders;   The proportion of sustainable umbrellas   production facilities have been successfully
          avoiding general cargo shipments; reduction   is  constantly increasing. In this way, we want   audited in accordance with the requirements
          of paper consumption through digitalisation;   to fulfil the requirements of our customers   of the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct. This
          switching to green gas and green electricity.  and ensure long-term healthy growth    includes the following principles:
                                                     for our company.
                                                                               Appropriate remuneration | Occupational
                                                                               health and safety | No forced labour | No
                                                                              discrimination | Reasonable working hours |
                                         INFO                                           No child labour

                                               With the climate protection projects,    FARE has been carbon neutral
                                                FARE contributes to some of the     as a company since 2021.
                                                United Nations' 17 Sustainable
                                                    Development Goals.

         6    Sustainability at FARE
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