Page 14 - Inspiration_2024
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Green Points CO2
With every product in this catalogue, To measure the environmental impact
we mention a value in Green Points. of our products we have calculated
These points can be used to navigate the CO2 footprint using an ISO 14067
the collection and identify the more certified carbon tracking tool. This tool
sustainable options. We have identified aims to assess the environmental impact
8 different elements that give a of a product through its life cycle,
transparent overview of the impact going from extraction, transformation,
of a product. Elements scored are for production, packing, shipping, and use
instance the material, the country of of product to the end of life.
origin or the recyclability of a product.
Every product has a Green Passport on
our PF Store explaining in detail how
we score the products. This makes it
easy to compare products and make a
choice based on your own sustainability