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                                                                                                                                            Ethical trading and improving
            Fortunately, sustainability is on the agenda of various brands in our                     Bureau Veritas was founded as a classification society   working conditions in global supply
            range. However, all this attention can lead to difficulty in distinguishing               in Antwerp in 1828 and shortly afterwards established   chains; that is what Sedex is
            one quality mark from another. This is why the Choice lists the textile                   in Paris. The main activities are inspection, certification,   committed to. Gildan is a member
            labels for you.                                                                           testing and training when it comes to quality, health,   of this service provider.
                                                                Fair Wear was founded in 1999 with    safety and the environment in different sectors.
                                                                the ambitious mission to improve
                                                                labour conditions in the garment
                                                                industry. It is an organization in    WRAP stands for Worldwide Responsible Accredited Pro-
                           The ecological styles of Stedman with this label                           duction. It is the world’s largest independent certification
                           are made of 100% OCS certified ring-spun organic   which companies, trade unions and   program, focusing on social compliance for the sewn
                           cotton. No toxic pesticides and fertilizers were used   NGOs all work together. Their work   products industry. WRAP is based on twelve principles   Amfori, an international professional
                           during the cultivation of the environmentally friendly   is based on the highest possible   ensuring that basic working conditions in factories are   organization committed to open and
                           cotton. This certificate is issued by Control Union   internationally recognised standards   understood and implemented. The monitoring is done by   sustainable trade. Legal, humane
                           Certifications (CU 819645).          and conventions which are set         third parties, so that independently is established that   and ethically responsible production
                                                                through tripartite negotiations with   manufacturers comply with WRAP
                                                                the experience of workers as cen-                                           is central to the Business Social
                           Cotton Council International (CCI) is a non-profit   tral. Since Fair Wear’s inception, the                      Compliance Initiative (BSCI). This
                           trading association promoting American cotton fibers   collaboration with brands is based   The articles and materials, such as thread and buttons,   means that child labour, environ-
                           and cotton products worldwide with the Cotton USA   on the Code of Labour Practices   have been tested for harmful substances and meet   mental nuisance and abuse are
                           trademark. Gildan is licensed for Cotton USA, which   (CoLP), eight labour standards de-  the extensive safety and quality standards that apply   prohibited. Manufacturers must
                           means the cotton in their products is from American   rived from ILO Conventions and the   according to the Oeko-Tex-100 certification. This means   therefore adhere to the BSCI reg-
                                                                                                                                            ulations regarding working hours,
                           soil and the products contain more than 50% cotton.  UN’s Declaration on Human Rights.  that these articles do not contain any substances that   health, safety and the environment.
                                                                                                      are harmful to health. By carrying this quality mark, the
                                                                                                      manufacturers must continuously check and monitor
                           SPQ stands for Stedman Proofed Quality. This is the
                           certificate with which Stedman wishes to propagate                         the quality of the production in order to continue to
                           all items are subject to strict quality controls. This                     guarantee safety.
                           applies to both the materials and the products.
                                                                                                      Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is an interna-  The Sustainable Apparel Coalition
                                                                                                      tional quality mark that sets requirements for both the   focuses on sustainable production
                                                                People for the Ethical Treatment      production of the fibers and their further processing into   in the clothing, shoe and home tex-
                                                                of Animals (PETA) is the largest      garments. At least 70 percent (indication: ‘Made with   tile industry. The alliance primarily
                                                                animal rights organization in the     organic’) or at least 95 percent (iindication: ‘Organic’)   focuses on the Higg Index, a stan-
            Gildan has translated the Gildan Quality System (GQS) into a website    World. PETA opposes speciesism, a   of the garment must consist of organically produced   dardized supply chain measurement
            on Genuine Responsibility. With their facilities and manufacturing,   human-supremacist worldview, and   materials. Clothing labels do not always assess all links   tool. This allows all participants to
            Gildan aims to implement industry-leading environmental, social and   focuses its attention on the four   in the production chain. It is therefore indicated whether   provide insight into and interpret
            governance measures at every stage of the process.   areas in which the largest numbers   a quality mark sets requirements for the cultivation for   the impact of their production on
            Visit the website    of animals suffer the most intensely   fiber production, the processing of the fibers into cloth,   the environment, as well as working
                                                                for the longest periods of time: in   and/or the final assembly of garments. This is also   and social conditions. This allows
                                                                laboratories, in the food industry,   included in the assessment.           urgent matters to be solved, which
                                                                in the clothing trade, and in the                                           companies could never change
                                                                entertainment business.                                                     independently.
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