Page 17 - XD_General_2024
P. 17


                                                                black  french   anthracite                                                       heather  heather
                                                                        ˡ˔˩ˬ                                                                      ˡ˔˩ˬ  anthracite

                                                                forest   iceberg  verdigris                                                      heather  heather
                                                                green   green   green                                                             blue   green

                                                                ˥ˢˬ˔˟  ˧˥˔ˡˤ˨˜˟   ˦˞ˬ                                                            heather  heather
                                                                blue    blue    blue                                                              ˚˥˘ˬ   brown

                                                                digital  ˕˨˥˚˨ˡ˗ˬ  red                                                           natural
                                                               lavender                                                                           raw

                                                               luscious  sundial  ochre
                                                                red    orange   ˬ˘˟˟ˢ˪

                                                                desert  white

              T9400                                                                      T9401

               Iqoniq Jasper recycled cotton                     footprint:              Iqoniq Torres recycled cotton                     footprint:
               hoodie                                                                    hoodie undyed
                                                                     11.76 kg CO2-Eq                                                            9.06 kg CO2-Eq
               ěīğâÊÆʇğĿʨĦʇɓʇȢȝʶʇrÊÀŅÀõÊÆʇ˃ʇȢȝʶʇXěݨûåÀʇ āŕāûʇɓʇ                         ěīğâÊÆʇğĿʨĦʇɓʇȢȝʶʇrÊÀŅÀõÊÆʇ˃ʇȢȝʶʇXěݨûåÀʇ āŕāûʇɓʇ
              4¨¿ěåÀʇĿÊåÝâĦʇȠȡȝʇ5vQʇɓʇ õ¨ğğåÀʇœĦ Max. printsize 270 x   Water use 2.62 m3  4¨¿ěåÀʇĿÊåÝâĦʇȠȡȝʇ5vQʇɓʇ õ¨ğğåÀʇœĦ  Max. printsize 270 x   Water use 1.64 m3
              200mm Print technique Screen transfer  When you have the                   200mm Print technique Screen transfer  When you have the
                                                     truth, you have a   Land use 2.27 m2                                      truth, you have a   Land use 1.94 m2
                                                     choice. Scan and                                                          choice. Scan and
                                                     discover the                                                              discover the
                                                     Aware ™  virtual ID.  Based on reference: T9400.001.M                     Aware ™  virtual ID.  Based on reference: T9401.013.M
                                                                 Source: Made2Flow environmental                                           Source: Made2Flow environmental
                                                                 impact assessment.                                                        impact assessment.
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