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                 ˂ʸʾ˂ʠˇʸˋ   ®                                      Fully traceable & block chain
                 OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 is one of the world’s best-known   ˩˘˥˜Ѓ˖˔˧˜ˢˡ ˕ˬ ʴˊʴ˅ʸ ˇˀ
                 labels for textiles tested for harmful substances.
                                                                   ʻˢ˪ ˖˔ˡ ˬˢ˨ ˕˘ ˦˨˥˘ ˧˛˔˧ ˧˛˘ ˦˨˦˧˔˜ˡ˔˕˜˟˜˧ˬ ˖˟˔˜ˠ˦ ˪˘ ˠ˔˞˘

                                                                   are trustable? We aim to avoid greenwashing and prove that
                 ʶ˨˧˧˜ˡ˚ ˪˔˦˧˘ ˨˦˘˗ ˜ˡ ˢ˨˥ ˙˔˕˥˜˖˦ ˜˦ ˡˢ˧ ˖˘˥˧˜Ѓ˘˗ʡ ˇ˛˔˧ ˜˦ ˪˛ˬ
                                                                   Ѓˡ˔˟ ˣ˥ˢ˗˨˖˧˦ ˔˥˘ ˠ˔˗˘ ˙˥ˢˠ ˦˨˦˧˔˜ˡ˔˕˟˘ ˠ˔˧˘˥˜˔˟˦ʡ
                 ˪˘ ˛˔˩˘ ˔˟˟ ˢ˨˥ ˙˔˕˥˜˖ ˖ˢˠˣˢˡ˘ˡ˧˦ ˧˘˦˧˘˗ ˕ˬ ˔ˡ ˂ʸʾ˂ʠˇʸˋ̀

                 ˔˨˧˛ˢ˥˜˦˘˗ ˟˔˕ˢ˥˔˧ˢ˥ˬ ˙ˢ˥ ˛˔˥ˠ˙˨˟ ˦˨˕˦˧˔ˡ˖˘˦ʡ ʸ˩˘˥ˬ ʼˤˢˡ˜ˤ
                                                                   ˇ˛˘˥˘˙ˢ˥˘ ˪˘ ˧˘˔ˠ˘˗ ˨ˣ ˪˜˧˛ ʴ˪˔˥˘ϱʟ ˔ ˧˥˔˖˘˔˕˜˟˜˧ˬ ˣ˟˔˧˙ˢ˥ˠ
                 ˔˥˧˜˖˟˘ ˜˦ ˂ʸʾ˂ʠˇʸˋ̀ ˖˘˥˧˜Ѓ˘˗ʟ ˛˔˥ˠ˟˘˦˦ ˧ˢ ˛˨ˠ˔ˡ ˛˘˔˟˧˛ʡ
                                                                   that makes data public to track and validate the end-to-end
                                                                   ˜ˠˣ˔˖˧ ˢ˙ ˦˨˦˧˔˜ˡ˔˕˟˘ ˧˘˫˧˜˟˘˦ ˙˥ˢˠ ˢ˥˜˚˜ˡ ˧ˢ ˬˢ˨ʡ ˃ˢ˪˘˥˘˗ ˕ˬ
                                                                   tracer and blockchain technologies

                 ˀ˔˗˘ ˥˘˦ˣˢˡ˦˜˕˟ˬ
                 As part of our continuous effort to improve working conditions
                 ˜ˡ ˧˛˘ ˦˨ˣˣ˟ˬ ˖˛˔˜ˡʟ ˪˘ ˘ˡ˦˨˥˘ ˔˟˟ ˢ˨˥ ʼˤˢˡ˜ˤ ˣ˥ˢ˗˨˖˧˦ ˔˥˘
                                                                                              ʹ˨˟˟ˬ ˧˥˔˖˘˔˕˟˘ ʙ ˕˟ˢ˖˞ ˖˛˔˜ˡ
                 manufactured in production facilities with a valid social audit                  ˩˘˥˜Ѓ˖˔˧˜ˢˡ ˕ˬ ʴˊʴ˅ʸ TM  ʷ˜˚˜˧˔˟ ˃˥ˢ˗˨˖˧ ˃˔˦˦ˣˢ˥˧ ʛʷ˃˃ʜ
                 ˔˖˖ˢ˥˗˜ˡ˚ ˧ˢ ˧˛˘ ˔ˠ˙ˢ˥˜ ʵˆʶʼ ˔˨˗˜˧˜ˡ˚ ˙˥˔ˠ˘˪ˢ˥˞ ˔ˡ˗ ʶˢ˗˘ ˢ˙
                 Conduct. This framework upholds strict social standards in line                                    ʴ˟˟ ʼˤˢˡ˜ˤ ˣ˥ˢ˗˨˖˧˦ ˛˔˩˘ ˔ˡ ʴ˪˔˥˘ϱ ˉ˜˥˧˨˔˟ ʼʷ ˧˛˔˧ ˚˜˩˘˦ ˬˢ˨
                 with international conventions like the Universal Declaration of                                   ˖ˢˠˣ˟˘˧˘ ˧˥˔ˡ˦ˣ˔˥˘ˡ˖ˬ ˔ˡ˗ ˧˛˘ ˙˔˖˧˦ ˢ˙ ˬˢ˨˥ ˖˛ˢ˜˖˘˦ʡ ˇ˛˘
                                                                                                                    Aware™ blockchain application is making trusted impact data
                 ʻ˨ˠ˔ˡ ˅˜˚˛˧˦ ˔ˡ˗ ʼˡ˧˘˥ˡ˔˧˜ˢˡ˔˟ ʿ˔˕ˢ˨˥ ˂˥˚˔ˡ˜˦˔˧˜ˢˡ ʛʼʿ˂ʜʡ
                                                                                                                    ˣ˨˕˟˜˖ ˔ˡ˗ ˔˩˔˜˟˔˕˟˘ ˙ˢ˥ Ѓˡ˔˟ ˖ˢˡ˦˨ˠ˘˥˦ ˪˜˧˛ ˔ ˦˜ˠˣ˟˘ ˦˖˔ˡ ˢ˥
                                                                                                                    QR code.

                                                                                                                    ˇ˛˘ ˗˔˧˔ ˜˦ ˗˜˥˘˖˧˟ˬ ˙˥ˢˠ ˧˛˘ ˠ˔˞˘˥˦ ˢ˙ ˧˛˘ ˣ˥ˢ˗˨˖˧˦ʟ ˧˛˘
                                                                                                                    ˣ˥ˢ˗˨˖˘˥˦ʡ ʴ˟˟ ˜ˠˣ˔˖˧ ˗˔˧˔ ˔ˡ˗ ˧˛˘ ˖ˢˠˣ˟˘˧˘ ˝ˢ˨˥ˡ˘ˬ ˢ˙ ˘˔˖˛
                                                                                                                    garment are given.

                                                                                                                    ʺˢˢ˗˕ˬ˘ʟ ˠ˨˥˞ˬ ˖˟˔˜ˠ˦ʡ
                 ˊ˔˧˘˥ʡˢ˥˚ ˜˦ ˔ ˚˟ˢ˕˔˟ ˡˢˡʠˣ˥ˢЃ˧ ˢ˥˚˔ˡ˜˦˔˧˜ˢˡ ˪ˢ˥˞˜ˡ˚ ˧ˢ ˕˥˜ˡ˚
                 water and sanitation to the world. believes water is                                     ʻ˘˟˟ˢʟ ˖˥ˬ˦˧˔˟ ˖˟˘˔˥ ˜ˠˣ˔˖˧ ˙˔˖˧˦ʔ
                 ˧˛˘ ˕˘˦˧ ˜ˡ˩˘˦˧ˠ˘ˡ˧ ˧˛˘ ˪ˢ˥˟˗ ˖˔ˡ ˠ˔˞˘ ˧ˢ ˜ˠˣ˥ˢ˩˘ ˛˘˔˟˧˛ʟ
                 ˘ˠˣˢ˪˘˥ ˪ˢˠ˘ˡʟ ˘ˡ˔˕˟˘ ˔˖˖˘˦˦ ˧ˢ ˘˗˨˖˔˧˜ˢˡʟ ˜ˡ˖˥˘˔˦˘ ˙˔ˠ˜˟ˬ
                 ˜ˡ˖ˢˠ˘ ˔ˡ˗ ˖˛˔ˡ˚˘ ˟˜˩˘˦ʡ ˌ˘˧ʟ ʪʪʤ ˠ˜˟˟˜ˢˡ ˣ˘ˢˣ˟˘ ˟˔˖˞ ˔˖˖˘˦˦
                 ˧ˢ ˦˔˙˘ ˪˔˧˘˥ʡ ˊ˘ ˦˨ˣˣˢ˥˧ ˪˔˧˘˥ʡˢ˥˚ ˕ˬ ˗ˢˡ˔˧˜ˡ˚ ʥʘ ˢ˙ ˣ˥ˢ˗˨˖˧
                 ˣ˥ˢ˖˘˘˗˦ ˢ˙ ˘˔˖˛ ˣ˥ˢ˗˨˖˧ ˦ˢ˟˗ ˙˥ˢˠ ˧˛˘ ʼˤˢˡ˜ˤ ˖ˢ˟˟˘˖˧˜ˢˡʡ

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